Community Calendar
Welcome to the new RMCCN Community Calendar. We hope its enhanced features help you keep abreast of what is happening in the Rocky Mountain compassionate communication community.
Wednesday 11th | Community Based NVC Practiced Through An Accessibility, Race Aware, And Social Justice Lens - Online | Accessibility, Inclusion, Multicultural, With A Commitment To A Racial And Social Justice Framework. |
Saturday 14th | Empathy-Based Communication - Denver | Discover how you can build powerful connections with others, while remaining true to yourself. Drawing from the ground-breaking work of Marshall Rosenberg, you will learn an approach to speaking and listening that will strengthen relationships in all areas of your life. |
Sunday 15th | RMCCN 15th Annual Community Picnic | FREE. Join the Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network (RMCCN) community for an afternoon of fun and frolic in the park. |
Thursday 19th | The Art Of Compassion: Exploring The Fundamentals Of NVC Awareness And Creating A Path To Love And Fulfillment - Golden | This five week class provides a comprehensive overview of Nonviolent Communication, developed by Marshall Rosenberg. Ideal for people new to NVC. Great for practitioners who want to deepen their existing NVC skills and consciousness. The class follows Marshal Rosenberg's seminal book Nonviolent Communication, A Language Of Life. |
Friday 20th | Foundations of Compassionate Communication Level I - Online | Based on the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD. in Nonviolent Communication, this training offers a new model of relating that will help you have open, honest and effective communication from the heart. Skills will be built through interactive exercises throughout the weekend. |
Wednesday 25th | Community Based NVC Practiced Through An Accessibility, Race Aware, And Social Justice Lens - Online | Accessibility, Inclusion, Multicultural, With A Commitment To A Racial And Social Justice Framework. |