Compassionate Communication Foundations Level I - Online

Contact Person: 

Kathy Ziola Send E-mail.


These trainings will be conducted through Zoom with both phone-in and video-conferencing options. After enrolling, you will receive instructions for connecting to the call.

Event Begins: 
Friday, September 15 6:00 pm


Foundations of Compassionate Communication Level I

With Kathy Ziola

Friday to Sunday September 15-17

A powerful and experiential weekend of learning Compassionate Communication/Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with Kathy Ziola, CNVC Certified Trainer.

Learn to create relationships based on empathy and honesty as you build skills and consciousness with the foundations of NVC.

Would you like to:

  • Express with clarity & ease?
  • Communicate with peace?
  • Create win/win outcomes from conflict?
  • Effectively deal with emotions?
  • Deepen your relationships?

Based on the work of Marshall B. Rosenberg,PhD. in Compassionate Communication, this training offers a new model of relating that will help you have open, honest and effective communication from the heart.

Skills will be built through interactive exercises throughout the weekend.

You can use what you learn this weekend to create win/win situations in any area of life:

  • Business management
  • Team building
  • Helping Professions
  • Intimate relationships
  • Parenting
  • Community relations
  • Public education
  • Conflict mediation

For a complete listing of Kathy's events, visit

Disclaimer: This event is independently organized. RMCCC assumes no responsibility for this event. RMCCC was not involved in its design or execution and makes no guarantees, implicit or explicit, regarding its quality or content. RMCCC receives no financial or other benefit from this event; it is posted as a service to our community and to support others in growing Compassionate Communication awareness.