Kathy Ziola Send E-mail.
University of Utah, Kahlert Village, 265 1850 East, Salt Lake City, UT
Compassionate Communication Foundations Level II
Friday - Sunday March 28-30
Ramp up your power to Connect!
Have you taken a foundations course or workshop in Compassionate Communication or Nonviolent Communication?
Has it been a while since you engaged in learning and practicing with support?
Have you enjoyed your development and want to juice up your learning and practice?
Do you need some inspiration and motivation and support for living Compassionate Communication in your daily life?
Would you like to take your learning to the next level?
The Compassionate Communication Workshop Level II training is for you if you loved your first exposure and want to expand and practice the skills and consciousness that you began in your first course or weekend workshop.
Your learning will be supported through information, demonstration, practice and sharing.
We will continue the journey by applying the model to topics such as:
- Saying and Hearing a “No” with Compassion
- The Power of Clear Requests
- Sharing Scary Honesty
- Building Skills for Dialogue – Role Plays & Dance Floors
- Handling Difficult to Hear Messages
- Deepening Your Empathy Skills
- Transforming Enemy Images.
Who is it for?
People who have taken a foundations training or basic course of at least 15 hours and want to expand and continue developing the skills and consciousness of Compassionate Communication/NVC.
- Increase your skills in expression
- Expand your capacity and ability for empathy
- Learn to handle the difficult conversations
- Integrate NVC more naturally
- Build your confidence in being authentic
- Increase your skills in expression
- Expand your capacity and ability for empathy
- Learn to handle the difficult conversations
- Integrate NVC more naturally
- Build your confidence in being authentic
For a complete listing of Kathy's events, visit https://nvctrainingsource.com/calendar-events/
Disclaimer: This event is independently organized. RMCCC assumes no responsibility for this event. RMCCC was not involved in its design or execution and makes no guarantees, implicit or explicit, regarding its quality or content. RMCCC receives no financial or other benefit from this event; it is posted as a service to our community and to support others in growing Compassionate Communication awareness.