Hope, Empathy, Impact - Evening Option

Two Wednesdays Feb 23 and March 2; 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. MST
Online VIA Zoom

Tuition $40 - $80 Sliding Scale (Additional Scholarships Available)


"Peace cannot be built on the foundations of fear."
– Marshall Rosenberg

When beset by confusion and uncertainty how do we find equilibrium? What is the consistency that we can rely on?

When we are disconnected from our own essence, our own sense of self, we look to the world around us searching for just the right circumstance to bring us peace and comfort. Since the external world is beyond our control, we are thus plagued by doubt and insecurity, and the urge to try to control what is happening can become overwhelming.

When we connect with our deep essence, are true to ourselves, become clear about what really matters, then we begin to develop trust and stability. When our security does not totally depend on external events, and we bring compassion to our doubts and insecurities, we feel a warm accompaniment and affirmation that soothes us. In the midst of turmoil we find strength and security..

Come experience the joy brought by warm accompaniment. Discover the affirmation that arises from compassionate connection. Practice moving from turmoil to tranquility.


David, poet, writer, and life coach, has studied and taught a wide variety of interpersonal communication skills over the last thirty years. He was introduced to NVC in 2000 and has been conducting trainings since 2009. Prior to his introduction to NVC, he studied with Anthony Robbins, Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, and Gay Luce. He is a co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network.