I am grateful to what I have learned from my training in non-violent communication. I don't know how I would navigate the world we live in today if not for that training. It has helped to ground me such that I can encounter people who appear to live in a completely different reality from the one I live in. For the longest time, I rarely met anyone whose opinions differed significantly from my own. I considered myself to be left-of-center on the political spectrum, meaning that I valued the needs of the collective slightly more than individual freedom. In other words, I believe we are actually freer and more prosperous when a certain standard of living is available for everyone. I value a balanced budget, spending on education and infrastructure, and other things related to the collective. I believe that government regulations protect citizens and consumers. I believe that when corporations and individuals benefit from living in this society, it is fair for them to reciprocate through a percentage of their income and revenues paid back to the society in taxes. Even so, I also value critical discourse. I don't expect everyone to agree with me or think exactly like me. Since we have similar values, I trust that through the friction of that discourse, we can find a balanced middle path toward meeting needs for as many people as possible. At least, that's the world I used to live in. Ever since I started producing videos for my YouTube channel, which have been very successful and happen to have a political bent – I discuss the karmic lessons I see unfolding for prominent people in politics – I have begun to receive comments in the discussion threads that make it obvious to me that there are many people who live in a reality so different from mine that it actually frightens me. Here is just one example: “Trump was asked to run for president to avoid a coup on the deep state(aka: Khazarian Mafia, u know the evil pedo satanic cult that has ran the world for the last 13,000 years?) This coup would be been unconstitutional so White Hats in our military needed someone who could win and who could not be bought so the takedown of this evil cult could be taken out legally. Its obviously taking much longer But Its avoiding a public meltdown. Trump works directly with the light, the Alliance and the galactics. He's about to end the Fed and return prosperity to the world through the RV/GCR & GESARA and you guys are pretending to be pious by defending the darkness? If you don't support Trump you are one of two things; incredibly naive or incredibly evil. Its one or the other, No way around it. Educate yourselves!” If this kind of thing were rare, it would not feel so disturbing, but I get dozens of comments like this. I've discovered through these comments on my YouTube channel that many people believe Trump is anointed and chosen by God to lead us all to the Light. According to them, he is our savior. He will save us from evil Satanists in the government and all news other than Fox news is Fake news. I have not reached a place at which I can read such comments and be at peace. I am still deeply disturbed by them. However, my training in non-violent communication has helped tremendously to keep me grounded. I practice self-empathy: Observation, Feelings, Needs, Requests. I am longing for a shared reality. What I am learning is that for me shared reality in our world is quite scarce right now. When my need for a shared reality is not met, I feel deeply saddened and frightened, as if the ground under my feet cannot be trusted. But I have found something I CAN trust -- the language process developed by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD. -- Non-Violent Communication.
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