David Steele Send E-mail.
These trainings will be conducted through Zoom with both phone-in and video-conferencing options. After enrolling, you will receive instructions for connecting to the call.
Reimagining Antiracism
Cultivating The Antiracist Heart And Mind
Saturday, March 2nd, 1:00-2:30pm MT
FREE: Donatons Welcome
You’re invited to a special online gathering with Roxy Manning, author of How to Have Antiracist Conversations: Embracing Our Full Humanity to Challenge White Supremacy and The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook. This is a chance to dive deep into meaningful conversations as Roxy shares insights from her transformative work.
People who donate $30.00 or more will have access to the program recording for one year.
Disclaimer: This event is independently organized. RMCCC assumes no responsibility for this event. RMCCC was not involved in its design or execution and makes no guarantees, implicit or explicit, regarding its quality or content. RMCCC receives no financial or other benefit from this event; it is posted as a service to our community and to support others in growing Compassionate Communication awareness.