RMCCN Presents: The Art Of Compassion

Five Wednesdays beginning Oct 18, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Unity Spiritual Center Denver; 3021 S University Blvd, Denver, CO 80210

Tuition $240.00 (Sliding Scale Scholarships Available)
Registration Information and Online Enrollment

“It is not what you look at, it’s what you see.”
– Henry David Thoreau

A comprehensive exploration of the nonviolent communication work
and compassionate consciousness pioneered by Marshall Rosenberg PhD

When we transform the way we communicate, we transform our world:
Create empowering compassionate relationships with yourself and others.
Communicate clearly, effectively, and authentically.
Transform adversaries into allies.

In this time of "fake news", reality "silos", and perpetual recrimination, Compassionate Communication traverses a different path: A path where we connect with the core of our being and are not threatened by perspectives different for our own; a path where we see the yearnings and aspirations in others while holding true to our own values; a path paved with trust and stability, adorned with the honesty and integrity that accompanies authentic expression. How do we step onto this path?

What water is to a fish and air is to us, communication is to relationships. Whether at home, work, or play, the way we communicate shapes the way we interact and determines the quality of our experience. When we bring awareness to how we communicate, we empower ourselves to create the world we want to live in, the relationships that bring us fulfillment and meaning, and the confidence and security that brings us peace.

The Compassionate Communication model developed by Marshall Rosenberg provides one of the most effective tools ever created for effective communication. Communication that fosters connection and understanding, reduces violence, and contributes to a shared experience where we feel welcome and have a deep sense of belonging.

Also known as Nonviolent Communication (NVC), this five week workshop provides a comprehensive overview of Marshall's system. It covers all of the core components of NVC model. Ideal for people new to NVC. Great for practitioners who want to deepen their existing NVC skills and consciousness. We invite you to join us as we explore this powerful communication technique and start down a path that brings peace, understanding, and security.

The workshop follows Marshall's seminal book Nonviolent Communication, A Language Of Life, and will focus on:

  • Making clear observations.
  • Honestly expressing feelings.
  • Deeply meeting needs.
  • Making doable requests.
  • The power of empathy and self empathy.
  • Working with anger.
  • Mourning.
  • Gratitude.

Sessions are interactive and include kinesthetic activities, lively discussion, and time to practice applying the techniques to real-life situations.


David, poet, writer, and life coach, has studied and taught a wide variety of interpersonal communication skills over the last thirty years. He was introduced to NVC in 2000 and has been conducting trainings since 2009. Prior to his introduction to NVC, he studied with Anthony Robbins, Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, and Gay Luce. He is a co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network.

Evon began her career as a life transformation coach in 2005 with the publication of her first book The Power of Manifestation, and teaching workshops at Colorado Free University on the subjects of self-empowerment, manifestation, spiritual alignment, the law of attraction, and self-actualization.

For the past decade, she has been facilitating workshops on these topics, coaching individuals using a variety of modalities, and published a second book titled, In the Magic Flow.