RMCCN Presents: Compassion In Action

Compassion In Action

The love and freedom you seek lies in the work you are avoiding.

With Jacqueline Muller and David Shindoll
Find out more about the trainers.

4 Friday Evenings. February 23 - March 15. First Evening FREE
On Line

Investment: 250.00 (Scholarships Available)
Registration Information and Online Enrollment

Recordings of all sessions will be available.

How we hold and name our challenges can reinforce habitual patterns of reaction or withdrawal that keep us from connecting with the essence of our experience. When we nurture awareness, listen deeply and bear witness to what is happening within us we enter the arena of transformation. In this space of presence, we begin our journey in finding the true source of our power.

If you decide to sign up for the whole series after the first free evening, the normal investment of $250.00 will apply.
