Susan Kaplan Send E-mail.
These trainings will be conducted through Zoom with both phone-in and video-conferencing options. After enrolling, you will receive instructions for connecting to the call.
Welcome, Trust And Belonging
Intercultural Awareness As A Power With Practice
February 29 - 5:00 – 7:00 pm MT
“Authentic relationships build trust. Think about the real relationships that you have with your cultural others. What do you do to specifically build trust?”
~ Mary-Frances Winters, Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy and Belonging Across Differences.
* How do you see both commonalities or differences?
* What are strengths and challenges of your conflict style?
* Where do you get stuck in intercultural interactions? What are your blind spots?
Power with is a NVC foundational distinction, a Partnership Paradigm that invites us to bring intentional awareness, shared power, and care in our communication. Expand your Intercultural development, racial & social justice awareness and capacity to see blind spots, celebrate strengths, and identify learning edges.
Understand conflict through a Power with practice and an intercultural lens to create ease, inclusion, a sense of belonging, and higher quality of connection.
With so many cultures in our world, no one knows all cultural groups, i.e. racial, class, ethnicity, language, ability - both physical and mental, age, gender identity, sexual identity, age, generational, geographic, and more.
Cultural competence is understanding objective and subjective ways of thinking and being within your own culture and of cultural others. Communication is subjective, with patterns of interpretations (beliefs, values, perceptions) and behavior learned from one’s group that guides individual and group activity.
Two well researched assessment tools provide insight and action steps:
• Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®)
• Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory® (ICS®)
General Benefits:
• Learn your individual intercultural development orientation, action steps & conflict style
• Create more ease in conflict
• Deepen NVC consciousness, skills, and practices
• Grow capacity in using Power With in applying action steps
• Expand your capacity to teach or share NVC across intercultural experiences
• Learn Group orientation, conflict styles & action steps
• Provides community building for practice groups, local NVC group, workplace, congregation, neighborhood, and with family & friends.
Specific Benefits:
Receive your personal intercultural development orientation, development plan, and conflict style in a private, confidential debrief with materials.
Members receive an individual benefits listed above plus group debrief with group orientation, plan and a conflict styles map.
1. Register before Feb 18th
2. Private links will be emailed for you to take both assessments
3. Set debrief with Susan
4. General Session: Strengths & Challenges of Difference Conflict Styles and Power With - Feb 29th
5. Groups receive an additional private group debrief session
Trainer: Susan Kaplan is passionate about creating authentic welcome, trust and belonging. She's a: CNVC Nonviolent Communication Trainer,
Intercultural Development Inventory Administrator, Intercultural Conflict Style Facilitator.
Disclaimer: This event is independently organized. RMCCC assumes no responsibility for this event. RMCCC was not involved in its design or execution and makes no guarantees, implicit or explicit, regarding its quality or content. RMCCC receives no financial or other benefit from this event; it is posted as a service to our community and to support others in growing Compassionate Communication awareness.