An Evening of Mindful Communication
Oren Jay Sofer
Find out more about the presenter.
FREE - Donations Welcome
“Observing without evaluating is the highest form of human intelligence.”
– J. Krishnamurti
Why mindfulness?
Why nonviolent communication?
How do they intersect?
What relevance do they hold for our lives and for the world today?
Come explore!
Mindfulness practice provides a powerful support for clear, kind, and effective conversations. Join Oren for this exploration of how our contemplative practice can provide a foundation for bringing more compassion, clarity, and connection into our speech and relationships.
The evening will include a guided meditation, lecture, and time for questions and answer. No registration is required, while drop-ins are welcome, RSVPs help us plan. This program is FREE; we gladly accept donations.
For those who wish to explore the topic further, this evening program will be followed by a weekend training on Saturday and Sunday.
Oren Jay Sofer
CNVC Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, Oren Jay Sofer is a nationally recognized teacher of meditation, mindfulness, and Nonviolent Communication. A member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, he holds a degree in Comparative Religion from Columbia University, is the author of Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication, and co-author of Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents. Oren is co-founder of Mindful Healthcare and the founder of Next Step Dharma, an innovative online program that helps meditators integrate their retreat experiences into daily life.
While drop-ins are welcome, an RSVP helps us plan.